McGregor Preschool program provides early learning opportunities for students aged 3 through Kindergarten entry.
McGregor Preschool is a wonderful learning opportunity for children ages 3, 4 and 5. McGregor ISD #4 strives to provide the best possible start for all children ensuring every child is fully prepared for learning success.
McGregor Preschool is a Parent Aware Four Star rated program, the highest possible rating. To earn a four star rating, programs must excel in the use of best practices in preparing children for kindergarten.
Our classes offer experiences in all areas of development including academic, fine motor, gross motor, language, social emotional and self help. Children's progress is monitored and their success is shared with parents throughout the year and at the parent-teacher conferences.
We strongly support your role as a parent believing that the home is the child’s first learning environment and that parents are the child’s most important teacher. We provide programs for you as the parent to invest early in the life of your child.
2024-2025 CURRENT CLASSES OFFEREDIt is a requirement that children enrolled are potty trained by the starting date.
Full Day Preschool ProgramsFor children age eligible for Kindergarten in 2025-2026 school year.
2 Full Day VPK Class - Monday/Thursday 8:15am-3:15pm
3 Full Day VPK Plus Class - Monday/Thursday/Friday 8:15am-3:15pm
Half Day Preschool Programs
Two Half Day Mixed Ages Class - Tuesday/Wednesday 8:15am - 11:15am Geared toward children who have turned 3 years of age between September 1, 2023 and March 1, 2024.
One Half Day 3 Year Old Class - Tuesday 8:15am - 11:15amGeared toward children turning 3 years of age after March 1, 2024 and before September 1, 2024. Children turning 3 years of age after September 1, 2023 have the option to join if there is availability.
Please have the following information on hand before beginning the registration:
At this time, online registration is closed. Please email Lindsey Becker,, for inquiries about mid-year enrollment.
Click the Enroll Now button below to begin registration.
After you click the Enroll Now button below you will either:
A) If you DO NOT already have an Eleyo account, click the link to " Create one now." After creating your account, you will be able to add your children and continue the registration process. NOTE: When creating your child's profile, select K as the grade level and change the school year drop down to be your child's expected year of Kindergarten. Teacher and School are not required fields.
B) If you've already created an Eleyo account, enter your email address and password to sign in. Once signed in you will be able to continue the registration process.