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4 Results

  • 3rd & 4th Grade Programming

    The Thrive Hive 3rd & 4th Grade After School Program Who? 3rd & 4th Graders When? Monday’s & Wednesday’s 3:30-5:30 Where? Thrive Center (181 North Maddy Street) This is an after school program for students in grades 3 & 4. Sessions will be held on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at the Thrive Center and include snack time, creative play, enrichment, academics, outdoor or indoor play, character building concepts, and FUN! The month’s activities will be posted on Eleyo when registration opens up. Students are expected to participate in the activities they sign up for! Sign up for specific dates or for the whole month! Registration is for one month at a time. By filling out this registration form you are signing your child up for one month of programming. You are also allowing photos of your child taken during activities to be used in newspaper or school publications. Please indicate if there are days your child will miss, otherwise we expect them at programming. Some months may include field trips. Students will be taking the school bus to the Thrive Center after school. Sarah Pierce in the elementary office will have the roster of kids and will make sure they get their bus pass. They will be riding bus #8. Students must be picked up at the Thrive Center BY 5:30pm. If you ever question whether or not the registration went through, check your e-mail. You will ALWAYS get a confirmation e-mail for programming. Always double check what you are signing up for because Eleyo allows us to have a waitlist for programs, so sometimes you are signing up for the waitlist, not to be in the actual program.This will also be on the confirmation e-mail. You can also reach out to Dani Johnson with any questions about the registration process at or 218-768-5112. Registration closes the day before the program starts. This is so we can get an accurate count for each program. Please call Dani BEFORE the first day of programming if you have questions about enrollment. We will not be enrolling students the day programs start. Please contact Jenny Koehler with any questions at This program is partially funded with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding, CFDA 84.287, Every Child Succeeds Act, Title IV B-21 Century Community Learning Centers, as well as McGregor School, the 21st Century Grant, and local organizations
  • 5th & 6th Grade After School Program

    Thrive Alive 5th & 6th Grade After School Program Who? 5th & 6th Graders When? Monday’s & Wednesday’s 3:30-5:30 Where? Thrive Center (181 North Maddy Street) This is an after school program for students in grades 5 & 6. Sessions will be held on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at the Thrive Center and include snack time, creative play, enrichment, academics, outdoor or indoor play, character building concepts, and FUN! The month’s activities will be posted on Eleyo when registration opens up. Students are expected to participate in the activities they sign up for! Sign up for specific dates or for the whole month! December's Activities Team Building STEAM Activities Registration is for one month at a time. By filling out this registration form you are signing your child up for one month of programming. You are also allowing photos of your child taken during activities to be used in newspaper or school publications. Please indicate if there are days your child will miss, otherwise we expect them at programming. Some months may include field trips. Students will be riding bus #8 to the Thrive Center.Ms. Sarah Pierce in the Elementary Office will automatically give your child a bus pass if they are signed up. PLEASE let us know of any changes or if your child will not be going to programming! Students must be picked up at the Thrive Center BY 5:30pm. If you ever question whether or not the registration went through, check your e-mail. You will ALWAYS get a confirmation e-mail for programming. Always double check what you are signing up for because Eleyo allows us to have a waitlist for programs, so sometimes you are signing up for the waitlist, not to be in the actual program.This will also be on the confirmation e-mail. You can also reach out to Dani Johnson with any questions about the registration process at or 218-768-5112. Registration closes the day before the program starts. This is so we can get an accurate count for each program. Please call Dani BEFORE the first day of programming if you have questions about enrollment. We will not be enrolling students the day programs start. Please contact Deb Milner with any other questions at This program is partially funded with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding, CFDA 84.287, Every Child Succeeds Act, Title IV B-21 Century Community Learning Centers, as well as McGregor School, the 21st Century Grant, and local organizations
  • Kids Club

    Kids Club Who? 1st & 2nd Graders When? Tuesday’s and Thursdays 3:30-5:30 Where? McGregor School Room 100 Kids Club is an after school program for students in grades 1 & 2. Sessions will be held Tuesday’s and Thursday’s and will include snack time, creative play, enrichment, academics, outdoor or indoor play, character building concepts, and FUN! The month’s activities will be posted on Eleyo when registration opens up. Students are expected to participate in the activities they sign up for! Sign up for specific dates or for the whole month! By filling out this registration form you are allowing photos of your child taken during activities to be used in newspaper or school publications. Please contact me, Dani Johnson, if there are days your child will miss, otherwise we expect them at programming. If you ever question whether or not the registration went through, check your e-mail. You will ALWAYS get a confirmation e-mail for programming. Always double check what you are signing up for because Eleyo allows us to have a waitlist for programs, so sometimes you are signing up for the waitlist, not to be in the actual program.This will also be on the confirmation e-mail. You can also reach out to Dani Johnson with any questions about the registration process at or 218-768-5112. Registration closes the day before the program starts. This is so we can get an accurate count for each program. Please call Dani BEFORE the first day of programming if you have questions about enrollment. We will not be enrolling students the day programs start. Students must be picked up at the High School Entrance doors BY 5:30pm. Please contact Dani Johnson with any questions at Kids Club is partially funded with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding, CFDA 84.287, Every Child Succeeds Act, Title IV B-21 Century Community Learning Centers, as well as McGregor School, the 21st Century Grant, and local organizations